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Title: 中国电视购物到直播带货的发展现状与思考
Other Titles: The development status and thinking of china's TV shopping to live streaming e-commerce
Authors: 李中华
Li Zhonghua
Zhang Shuolei
Keywords: электронная коммерция;маркетинговые модели;телемагазины;electronic commerce;teleshopping
Issue Date: 2022
Language: Китайский
Type: Article
Citation: 李中华. 中国电视购物到直播带货的发展现状与思考 / 李中华, 张硕雷 // Менеджмент и маркетинг: опыт и проблемы : сборник научных трудов / Белорусский государственный экономический университет, Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет, Новое высшее учебное заведение ; [под общей редакцией В. С. Голика]. – Минск : А. Н. Вараксин, 2022. – С. 257-261.
Abstract: 与当下发展迅速的直播带货行业相比,曾经风靡全球的电视购物已渐渐没落,随着传媒手段的不断更新和信息技术的迅速发展,直播带货已成为当下一种新的营销模式。在移动互联网时代下,基于直播方式的普及化,直播带货新营销模式不断创造新的销售记录,拓展新的营销空间,同时消费者的购物体验、购物效率也在不断提高。直播带货迅速发展的背后,实际上是基于传播技术更新迭代,销售市场顺应网络化、数字化、智能化趋势而形成的一种新的市场营销模式。直播带货行业的可持续发展,生态链、供应链的完善,未来的发展方向,还需要共同探索
Compared with the fast-growing live-streaming e-commerce industry, TV shopping, which was once popular all over the world, has gradually declined. With the continuous updating of media means and the rapid development of information technology, live-streaming e-commerce has become a new marketing model. In the era of mobile Internet, based on the popularization of live streaming, the new marketing model of live-streaming e-commerce continues to create new sales records and expand new marketing space. At the same time, consumers' shopping experience and shopping efficiency are also constantly improving. Behind the rapid development of live-streaming e-commerce is actually a new marketing model formed based on the update and iteration of communication technology and the sales market conforming to the trend of networking, digitization and intelligence. The sustainable development of the live-streaming e-commerce industry, the improvement of the ecological chain and supply chain, and the future development direction still need to be explored together.
ISBN: 978-985-7299-17-1
Appears in Collections:Менеджмент и маркетинг: опыт и проблемы, 2022

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