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Title: 信息化时代中国体育营销对品牌价值的研究
Other Titles: Research on the brand value of Chinese sports marketing in the information age
Authors: 曹宏伟
Cao Hongwei
Keywords: спортивный маркетинг;маркетинговые стратегии;бренды;потребители;sports marketing
Issue Date: 2022
Language: Китайский
Type: Article
Citation: 曹宏伟. 信息化时代中国体育营销对品牌价值的研究 / 曹宏伟 // Менеджмент и маркетинг: опыт и проблемы : сборник научных трудов / Белорусский государственный экономический университет, Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет, Новое высшее учебное заведение ; [под общей редакцией В. С. Голика]. – Минск : А. Н. Вараксин, 2022. – С. 249-253.
Abstract: 在当今信息化的世界中,任何一个国家的现代化电子信息都在飞速的发展中。中国体育的职业化、市场化、产业化的改革发展模式影响并带动了中国体育经济的兴起,刺激了体育营销行业的神经,催生出各种各样的营销方式和数以百万计的工作岗位。体育营销行业借势迅猛发展,任何新兴行业的发展总会遇到一些棘手的问题。文章运用文献资料法,内容分析法等对中国体育营销对其品牌研究的总体情况、研究热点、体育营销策略研究、体育营销研究前沿等进行梳理与总结,得出体育营销随着现代信息化时代来临的新变化,体育营销的发展必须努力跟上时代发展步伐,始终坚持以不断满足消费者更高体育需求为中心的营销策略不动摇,持续提升体育消费者的满足感、幸福感.
In today’s information-based world, modern electronic information in any country is developing rapidly. The reform and development model of professionalism, marketization, and industrialization of sports in our country has affected and driven the rise of our country’s sports economy, stimulated the nerves of the sports marketing industry, and spawned various marketing methods and millions of jobs. Jobs. The sports marketing industry has taken advantage of the rapid development, and the development of any emerging industry will always encounter some difficult problems. The article uses the literature method, content analysis method, etc. To sort out and summarize the overall situation of sports marketing research on its brand, research hotspots, sports marketing strategy research, sports marketing research frontiers, etc. in our country, and concludes that sports marketing has undergone new changes with the advent of the modern information age. The development of sports marketing must strive to keep up with the pace of development of the times, and always adhere to the marketing strategy centered on continuously meeting the higher sports needs of consumers, and continuously improve the satisfaction and happiness of sports consumers.
ISBN: 978-985-7299-17-1
Appears in Collections:Менеджмент и маркетинг: опыт и проблемы, 2022

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