The Department of German and Romanic Languages

Chair of the department:

Komarova M.A.

The Department was established in April 2022 as the result of the merging of the Romanic Languages Department and the Department of the German Language. It is a structural unit of the Faculty of International Business Communications.

The Department currently employs 24 teachers. Among them there is the Chair of the Department,  5 Associate Professors, fifteen senior teachers (including two Masters of Philology, five graduates of postgraduate studies), two teachers, a trainee teacher, two specialists.

The Department is proud of its qualified foreign specialist: a Venezuelan citizen, Doctor of Philosophy Mujica Peralta Angel Lohengrin has been teaching at the department since 2011 (personal page ).

Educational activities

The Department provides teaching of French, Spanish, German and Portuguese as the first and second foreign languages to students of all years and faculties of full-time, external and distance learning forms of the 1st and 2nd stages of higher education. The purpose of teaching students and Master's degree students is the formation of linguistic competence, including the skills of speech activity, both in everyday and professional communication, as well as the necessary knowledge in the cultural, social, economic and political spheres of life of the countries of the studied languages.

The educational process is based on innovative pedagogical technologies of creative learning, combining professionally oriented, competence-based, communicative and action-oriented approaches.
The method of projects, case technologies, information communication technologies, multimedia training tools, educational Internet resources, national and foreign methodological complexes, as well as educational and teaching aids prepared by the teaching staff of the department are widely used. Many classes are held with the participation of native speakers of French, German, Spanish and Portuguese: representatives of the diplomatic corps, businessmen, cultural and art figures visiting our country, volunteers of the Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs.

Research work

Within scientific-research, the department develops the topic "Linguo-didactic concept of professionally oriented foreign language teaching in an economic profile university". The teaching staff of the department takes an active part in international and republican scientific conferences and roundtable discussions on linguistic problems and linguo-didactics. The results of scientific work are reflected in reports of scientific forums, conferences and seminars, published articles (more than 60 publications for 2021), as well as in educational and methodological manuals, projects and complexes that are posted on the university's local network, on official educational portals or paper-based media.
The teaching staff of the department directs the research work of students and students in the master's programme. Student conferences and roundtables in foreign languages devoted to economic, social and socio-political topics are held annually. The materials of the winners' reports are published in the collections of student scientific papers.
Every year, the department organizes and conducts two stages of the Olympiad in business and economic German, French and Spanish, during which the participating students demonstrate a high level of foreign language proficiency for professional purposes. The Olympiad in business French and German has the status of an intercollegiate one.

The department actively develops international relations with foreign partners. Center for Latin American Studies, the only one in the country, successfully operates at FIBC, where numerous events are held with the participation of representatives from Venezuela, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Cuba, Brazil (details about the Center's activities on a separate website 

In 2017, Center for German Language, Economics and Culture and Center for Portuguese Language and Culture were opened.
The Department is responsible for the cooperation of BSEU with the partner University in the double degree program - Polytechnic Institute of Braganza (Portugal).
French teachers involve their students in participation in international contests, projects and events under the aegis of the Association of French teachers in Belarus and the Embassy of the French Republic in our country. Belarusian State Economic University students take an active part in the debate clubs of the French Media Library in Minsk, in annual projects and events within the framework of Francophonie. They have won prizes in the international French business contest "Mots d'Or".
Since 2016, the department has been operating a student research laboratory "Linguoeconomist", which unites students interested in modern scientific research of the countries of the languages studied, striving for exploratory creativity and expansion of their scientific potential.

The Department maintains close ties with other institutions of higher education in the Republic of Belarus, in particular, with the Faculty of German Language, the Faculty of Romance Languages and the Faculty of Intercultural Communications of MSLU, the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University.

Teachers of the department are constantly improving their professional skills: improve their qualifications in leading educational institutions of our country, as well as annually win grants for internships abroad (Germany, France, Spain, Portugal).

Within the framework of the current bilateral agreement with the Moscow City Pedagogical University, the department implements joint projects, international festivals and scientific and practical conferences.

The activity of the department is aimed at the formation of a multicultural personality of the future specialist of the economic profile, as well as the development of students' competencies in the field of intercultural communication.

Основные учебные издания, подготовленные преподавателями кафедры за последние годы:

1. Коцаренко, А.М. Немецкий язык = Deutsch: учеб. пособие / А.М. Коцаренко, Е.Л.Москалева, Г.Л.Иваненко. – Минск: БГЭУ, 2022. – 139 с.
2. Пантелеева, И.В. Французский язык для начинающих: вводный курс = Français pour débutants: cours d'initiation: учеб.-метод.пособие / И.В.Пантелеева, Т.Н.Десова. – Минск: БГЭУ, 2021. – 156 с.
3. Ковалькова, Т.В. Испанский язык. Профессиональная коммуникация в сфере экономики = Comunicación profesional en la economía: учеб. пособие / Т.В. Ковалькова, Е.В. Дыро, М.Н. Мардыко. – Минск: БГЭУ, 2020. - 226 с.
4. Шевцова В.А., Плавинский Р.А., Бахун Т.П. Mündliche und schriftliche Sprachpraxis. Deutsch = Практика устной и письменной речи. Немецкий язык: учебное пособие /– Минск: «Вышэйшая школа», 2020. – 192 с.
5. Бартенева, И.И. Все аспекты туристической деятельности = Tous les aspects de l'activité touristique: учеб.-метод. пособие / И.И. Бартенева, И.В. Пантелеева. – Минск: Колорград, 2019. – 56 с.
6. Школина, И.М. Испанский язык (курс страноведения) = Español (curso de civilización española): учеб.-метод. пособие / И.М. Школина [и др.]. – Минск: БГЭУ, 2019. – 88 с.
7. Пантелеева, И.В. Французский язык: профессиональная коммуникация в сфере экономики = Français: communication professionnelle en économie: учеб.-метод. пособие по фр. яз. для экон. спец. / И.В. Пантелеева. – Минск: БГЭУ, 2019. – 69 с.


Address: 26 Partizansky Av., building 2,
office 421

Tel.:+375 17 209-88-23